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#133: Appalachia with Chelsea of Rednecks Rising

In this episode of I've Been Thinking, we are joined by Chelsea of Rednecks Rising- a podcast focusing on "the secret history of progressive revolution in Appalachia". Chelsea is an absolute angel, and is dedicated to educating the people on Appalachian history, on addressing stereotypes, and on empowering the people of Appalachia to embrace and fight for our culture. In this episode, we hit on a lot of these ideas- the media's portrayal of Appalachia and why it matters, the importance of "deep canvassing" (and what that is), and why our culture and land was sold off.

This episode is good stuff, y'all- seriously. Even if you don't fully identify with all of the political ideals espoused by Chelsea, or discussed in this episode, this is a fabulous example of I've Been Thinking's mission- to highlight and share a variety of different experiences, opinions and ideas. Chelsea created Rednecks Rising to educate people about a culture that is severely under- and misrepresented, and I couldn't be more thankful that she decided to join IBT for this episode.

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